Educational Theatre Productions
"The BFG" Directed by Hannah McKinney Texas Tech University
"The BFG" Directed by Hannah McKinney Texas Tech University
"The BFG" Directed by Hannah McKinney Texas Tech University
"The BFG" Directed by Hannah McKinney Texas Tech University
"The BFG" Directed by Hannah McKinney Texas Tech University
"We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay!" Directed by Troy Lescher Texas Tech University
"We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay!" Directed by Troy Lescher Texas Tech University
"We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay!" Directed by Troy Lescher Texas Tech University
"We Won't Pay! We Won't Pay!" Directed by Troy Lescher Texas Tech University
"Anton in Show Business" Directed by Linda Donahue Texas Tech University
"Equus" Directed by Jim Bush Texas Tech University Theatre
"Equus" Directed by Jim Bush Texas Tech University Theatre
"Stuck in the Middle with You" By John Iverson Directed by Ben Slate Texas Tech University Theatre